Hydration is very important in this weather. Have some Swell bottles remaining in stock I am trying to get rid of, selling for less than wholesale $25 per bottle. Keeps drinks cold thst go in cold and also keeps warm drinks warm. Contact me to see what one's are remaining and to organise to purchase. #hydration #drinking #water #swellbottle #Swell #melbourne
Wednesday 4pm available-come and see me in Moonee Ponds for a massage. Let me know if you would like to book in. #massage #remedialmassage #available #Wednesday #mooneeponds #melbourne
Starting @feelingsmooth Moonee Ponds location - 106 Maribyrnong Rd, Moonee Ponds - near the corner of Union Rd. Looking forward to see you there. #massage#remedialmassage #newlocation #mooneeponds #melbourne
Wednesday 4.15pm available for a massage at the new location in Moonee Ponds. #remedialmassage #massage #appointment #Wednesday #mooneeponds #melbourne
With the upcoming move of clinic space - I am trying to clear out my Doterra Essential oils - 50% off their retail price - Contact me to ask if I have the oil you are after. #doterra #Essentialoil #sale #clearance #massage
From October 30th - Belinda McLeod Massage Therapy will be practising back in Moonee Ponds on Wednesday from @feelingsmooth Moonee Ponds, in this beautiful clinic. Bookings will still be through the same process. Any questions let me know. #massage #mooneeponds #appointment #muscles
Today @ 6pm has become available if you want to book in for a massage contact me. #massage #Wednesday #selfcare #niddrie #niddrieshoppingprecinct
Wednesday 5pm is available for a massage. Book either contact me or jump online. #massage #appointment #selfcare #niddrie #niddrieshoppingprecinct
11.45am Wednesday has become available if you would like to book in for a massage contact me. #massage #selfcare #muscles #health #niddrie #niddrieshoppingprecinct
Next available is Wednesday 11am. #massage #selfcare #appointment #available #niddrie #niddrieshoppingprecinct